You have always been That
Q: Could you say that awakening is a shift from not seeing who we have always been to recognizing that?
Suzanne Segal: Okay but that recognition doesn't change who you really are, ever. You have always been That. And yes there is a way that the Vastness Itself can perceive Itself so directly, without any fogging or shading or taking anything else to be who you are. I guess you could call it a waking up, but what seems most important to convey is that this is who everyone is all the time, whether the direct awareness of it is there or not.
from interview
The Awakening West
Lynn Marie Lumiere & John Lumiere Wins
NonDual Highlights 3108
Suzanne Segal: Okay but that recognition doesn't change who you really are, ever. You have always been That. And yes there is a way that the Vastness Itself can perceive Itself so directly, without any fogging or shading or taking anything else to be who you are. I guess you could call it a waking up, but what seems most important to convey is that this is who everyone is all the time, whether the direct awareness of it is there or not.
from interview
The Awakening West
Lynn Marie Lumiere & John Lumiere Wins
NonDual Highlights 3108