Saturday, January 14, 2006

What is knowing this?

This is a question that will always take you back to the source - “What Is Knowing This?

It is only a conceptual separation.

Whatever you are experiencing, there is some ”thing“ knowing it. This ”thing“ is not usually thought of as an object, but is just conceptualised as the ”I“.

The ”I“ is just an assumption - an entity that has taken on a past and a future. But nothing ever happens apart from right now.

Even though ”you“ don’t usually see it, ”you“ are seeing yourself as an object in relation to other objects (the ”rest of the world“).

But who is seeing that ”you“ as an entity apart from THIS? Isn’t what is seeing the REAL? Isn’t the ”I“ (”you“) just an idea?

So by using the concept that there is ”something“ (awareness) seeing everything, and that this ”something“ is what sees ”you”, since “you” are really just an idea of something being apart from the “something” which is seeing all (awareness), then maybe “you” can see that these are all just concepts and that the seeing is always happening, regardless of whatever concepts are appearing in it.

This seeing is all there is, but it is not a thing, and it is not apart from anything. Nothing exists apart from this seeing. This seeing is all there is.